Loving transformations as I do, as much the ones that happen like magic while I get on with other things as the ones I stand over and create, I often use the early morning to get something on the go. There was nothing rising or baking or washing while we played elsewhere today but the thought that this early morning tissue paper collage was drying in the hazy sunshine made the picnic in the park all the nicer. We made it with the idea of cutting out fishes and sticking them to the window in an undersea scene but now that we've hung them up we can't quite bring ourselves to cut them..maybe tomorrow. And speaking of things working while we are elsewhere, we think our elusive hedgehog, who made himself a winter nest under some tin foil (and a pink doll's blanket my grandmother made!) and has not been sighted since, is eating the scraps that fall from Mo's outside highchair. I leave the kind of scene that makes my heart sink and by the morning it is all licked clean. This is the kind of help I need.
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