I finally finished this stripy curvy jumper and, as when finishing a book I feel I've lived in, I find myself feeling totally bereft. I had it with me through so many long ante-natal appointments, waiting for scans and blood tests and midwife meetings. I was thinking of my pregnant tummy as I began and imagined the stripes ending just above my bump. On realising I would never finish before the birth (and therefore who knew when!) I picked up the cast on stitches and knit my way down in plain dark green, thinking instead of my post natal shape! The curvy melon-like sleeves with their improvised design were the perfect antidote to all that endless waiting and the rounds of solid green were exactly what I needed after sleepless nights and with a sleepy baby in my arms. I wasn't expecting to like it so much, often my improvised creations are more fun to create than wear, but this one works for me; just loose enough; just warm enough; just scooped enough at the neck to show off layers. I wouldn't have minded if I hadn't liked it ; it kept me company, taught me how to make some new shapes, puzzled me endlessly, kept me calm; but I love it that I do.
I love the wau you write so movingly of ordinary things! M x